WallPaper Samples

I have to admit, if I see an art supply that I LOVE but don’t know what to do with right away, I buy it and store it away in my supply stash. You know what I mean??

When I saw this wallpaper sample book from one of my favorite local art supply stores, Indigo Hippo, I HAD to get it for future use. The woven textures and natural colors instantly caught my eye and it has that earthy vibe I always love.


It’s been a lonnnnng while since I looked at this sample book. I revisited it while cleaning and finally figured out what I would do with it! I’ve been wanting to make more home decor pieces and artwork for our house.

I came across an old IKEA frame that had an art print in it that we used to have hanging up. I decided to upcycle the set and make a new piece by making a mandala-like collage using the wallpaper sample pages from the book.


I normally sketch out what a piece will look like, but this time I felt the need to create this intuitively.

I explored the medium by cutting and placing a couple different versions. I love taking all the steps in the process. The two images below are versions I played with before choosing a final direction.


After shifting things around and rearranging it for a couple days, I stopped on a place that felt right and glued the pieces down. Here’s what the final piece looks like framed and up close!


I enjoyed this so much and was already planning on creating more. I plan to use frames we already have and keep going on collages using these paper samples.

Not sure where to hang this particular piece yet but I’m excited to add a couple more in the house using this material!